How do I finish the full syllabus for an exam overnight?

Just what I did in the last two weeks
  • Okay. You need to be a little pragmatic at this time. Trying to cover the whole syllabus is a little far-fetched. Try and complete at least 60% of the syllabus. Of course you can study more but focus on the 60% first. Talk to some sincere student (there's always one in each class) and ask about the easiest and the most scoring chapters to study. First hurdle crossed, now you know where to start from. Good, moving on.
  • Next step. You need notes. Trouble that sincere student a little more. You may have to bribe him with promises of treats. Do not hesitate, do not be a miser at this time. You need him/her, you need to pass, if it takes buying 2 pizzas in exchange of notes so be it. If you have to beg a little and involve in shameless flattery, do that. If everything goes well, you'll have the notes by now.
  • Remember pain is temporary, gpa is forever. Write this statement down where you can see it, make it your phone's/laptop's wallpaper, set it as the contact picture of the people you frequently talk to. No distractions. Get off Quora, go go now. Uninstall Whatsapp, don't use Facebook/YouTube/Buzzfeed. It's just a few days, you don't need anything that doesn't let you study.
  • Smart work will be more fruitful than hard work at this point. Go through last years question papers. Some topics are almost always repeated. Make sure you prepare them well. You might find some topics that go above your head as you panic due to lack of time. It's OK, breathe, call someone who knows those topics and ask them to explain it to you. If they're not a nice person and refuse to do so, blurt out things like "If I fail, it'll be on your conscience, how will you forgive yourself."
  • Load up on Coffee and just get to it. Study as much as you can, as fast as you can. Sacrifice sleep, 2-3 hours is enough, you can sleep after the exam. Send a little prayer out to whatever you believe in and hope for the best.

  • You can start with calculating the time left for your exam and divide your syllabus accordingly.
    Ideally it would be :
    12 hours left, 12 chapters to go, 1 hour for each chapter!
    6 hours later, phew managed to finish half of it.. Let's take a break and get back.
    Last hour: I'm almost done, let me just skip the last chapter and start revising.

    And practically, it would be:
    12 hours left, 12 chapters to go, 1 hour for each chapter!
    6 hours later, 12 chapters left, I can still do 2 chapters in an hour!
    2 hours left : " F*** this shit!!" But then again you'd somehow manage to get back to books only because you wouldn't wanna fail!
    Last hour: If only I had 12 more hours, I would've finished the syllabus!XD

    In simple words, one can only dream of finishing the entire syllabus overnight!

  • Read the points to remember or Summary at the end of each lesson. Already the authors came up with gist of each chapter. So that should be your first shot.

    In most of the books, the first chapter is BASICS and last chapter has ADVANCED topics covered. So cover them first.

    Read previous year repeated topics/questions.

    From previous questions paper you can make out whether the question comes from first half of the the lesson or second half of the lesson. If a problem has been asked in Lesson 1, then a problem is not asked in Lesson 5. Like this you need to find patterns. But you can't do this the night before exam. But you can do for 3 chapters that will make you pass.

    But this will help you pass the exam. but you will never gain expertise and knowledge than a person who studied and experienced it for one full semester. He mastered it. You just read (Cut copy paste) it.

    Rather than reading 5 pages and understanding them, hear it from a friend who had already read it. Have you ever wondered why we remember songs. Because we hear them , we don't read the lyrics first.

  • These tricks might help you.

    • Skim through the headings, and make a note of them. Don't go into the in-depth matter.
    • Remember the key points for an answer. The remaining filling can be done by your creativity.
    • There will always be stock questions in your paper. Learn the important and must know concepts. Leave the stud questions.
    • Keep a pen and a paper beside you, and scribble the points simultaneously. You will retain more this way.
    • Stick to a book, and don't shift between different authors.
    • Believe you can complete the portion, and you can do it.
    • Stay away from distractions. *Sighs, bubye Quora :(
    • Read as if you are reading a novel, and you will be done with the syllabus before you know it!

    It works, but you won't be entirely satisfied with your performance, and it won't be your best!